Are Snek Ku Products Halal?

Yes. All Snek Ku products are Halal certified, issued by the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (JAKIM).

Is Our HALAL Status up to date?

Yes, please refer to NSF Office (NSF Committee Chairman).

Can We Have a Copy of Halal Cert?

Yes, please refer to NSF Office (NSF Committee Chairman).

What management systems does Snek Ku practice?

We are certified under FSSC 22000 Food Safety Management System Certification Acquired.

What food packaging and labeling regulations do Snek Ku products comply with?

The packaging and labeling regulations that we adhere to are detailed in the pertinent Government regulations which are detailed in Malaysia’s Food Regulations 1985, in particular Parts IV and VI (Kindly refer to website –

Why are some of Snek Ku products being packed using large packages while the content is only a fraction of the packet?

It is a packaging method that is consistent with industry wide practices. This is done to protect products from being damaged and ensure they reach the consumer the way they are intended to. In addition, an approved practice is to introduce nitrogen into the package, a measure that preserves the freshness of the product.

Can Snek Ku products be stored after the pack is opened?

Most people find it hard to resist our snacks and thus every pack is usually entirely consumed immediately after the pack is opened. However, our snacks do store well provided they are kept in air-tight containers.

Are Snek Ku product free from Melamine?

Most certainly! Our supplier send the raw material for lab test at a regularly schedule interval and provide us with a report accordingly.

How do I know if a product contains an ALLERGEN ingredient?

Compliant to Malaysian Food Regulations 1985 (regulation #11(1) (ea) and 11(5)), mandates that foods containing milk, eggs, fish, crustacean shellfish, peanuts, tree nuts, wheat, and soy must be declared in plain language on the label. Thus, all of Snek Ku products are labeled in strict accordance with this Act. Those who do suffer from severe allergic reactions should consult their doctor.

How are your nutritional facts calculated?

The Nutritional Facts that appear on Snek Ku product packaging are obtained from third-party lab analysis. Figures may vary due to natural variations in food products and the rounding regulations associated with each nutrient and are in accordance with Malaysia’s Food Regulations 1985 Guidelines. All attempts are made to review nutrition labels on a regular basis to ensure accuracy and the regulations.

Are there any Snek Ku products that are considered a vegetarian snack?

Due to our process methods, which produce multiple products under the same line, Snek Ku products can’t strictly be considered vegetarian snacks although some products do fall under this category.

Who should I refer to if I am interested in distributing Snek Ku products in my territory?

Please refer to N.S.F office. Email to us at

What is the procedure if any non-conformance or query arise?

Refer to Sales Personal / N.S.F Office. Email to us at

What does Snek Ku means?

Snek Ku is Bahasa Malaysia for “My Snack” in English.

What types of products does Snek Ku market?

Snek Ku produces an exciting and popular range, from fried to extruded snacks.These include favourites such as MIMI, Tam Tam, Ken, Pick Fine, ShoyueMi range of products (Original, Black pepper, Hot & Spicy, Seaweed), Samba Samba range of products (Hot & Spicy, BBQ Chicken , BBQ Crab) and a few others.

What do I do if there is a problem with a product (i.e. product doesn’t taste right)?

The likelihood of this occurring is negligible. However, should anyone encounter any problem with a Snek Ku product, the following steps may be taken:

1. Retain all parts of the packaging & product.

2. Write down your comments, contact number and email to us at

3. Include the product name, a brief description of the issue, date & place of purchase and a printed production or expiry date.

Our Quality Control Personnel will immediately contact the complainant to review the issue. We take customer feedback extremely seriously and spare no efforts in thoroughly investigating the matter with the express intention of getting to the root cause with a view to eliminating the cause of the complaint and ensuring that it does not recur.

Where can I obtain a Snek Ku catalogue?

Our catalogues are primarily for our Trade customers. You may get to know the complete range by checking out our product pages on

How can I learn what’s new about Snek Ku products?

We keep Snek Ku fans updated via Facebook. That’s where you’ll find all the latest information regarding new products and new product launches. New Star Food Industries Sdn. Bhd. prides itself on being responsive and innovative and acknowledges this as a powerful strategy for growth.

Can I submit an idea for a new product developement?

You are most welcome and please email your suggestion to